MySQL and PHP - CIS159/CIT32

Weekly Schedule

Remember RE-SUBMIT. If you get back a homework with errors and without a grade it means it has not been graded - you need to fix and resubmit to get a grade.

The CIS pool is now available for students that need to access licensed software that they cannot use from home.
Remote access virtual desktop
Instructional video for using Remote Access Virtual Desktop - HTML

Week Information
Assignments due in one week unless otherwise stated. I may add some things during the week, so double check the schedule each week! For almost all the assignments I want to see the code you write and the output it produces. So send me the address and a copy of the code. With play computer assignments give me the code and the output as you feel it would be generated. Please keep copies of all work you submit until you receive your final grade at the end of the semester. Remember that I record/tape all my classes and capture notes on the Smartboard. These are available to you under Audio and Smartboard.
HELP schedule I will set up some optional class Zoom meetings that you can attend. Check the week of information to see the times and dates.
I am also available by request (give me a few time options) especially while we get other support in place. I have been meeting with a lot of students that request it, maybe something you should consider doing. You can email me with a couple of times you can meet and usually one of those will work.
I will send out the information to contact me on Zoom. I will post availability but you can also set something up with me.
Downloading WinSCP on your PC by SI Joe Fletcher
There is access to WiFi from your car under the solar canopies on the Fall River Campus.
Notes on downloading Office 365 which contains Access: 1) To get Access (part of Office 365) you first log in to accessBCC 2) You then select Office 365 Dashboard 3) You will see some Office products listed on the side and on the right you will see a button that says Install Office - click on the button 4) You want the first choice in the popup you see - Office 365 apps 5) Save the OfficeSetup.exe and then run it (when asked about making changes I said yes) 6) Now it downloads office including Access.
Week #15
Week of April 29th
Required Status Sheet
I want most homework by May 5th although I will take a few assignments up to the 8th. If you are using the 8th I need to know your plan by the 5th - send me an email request.
Week #14
Week of April 22nd


I have been sick so I am running behind - sorry - I am starting to feel better so hopefully I can get caught up soon.
Check back for the required status sheet and due dates etc.
Week #13
Week of April 15th


Be sure to look at the update examples and a video on Update1a.


Here are some examples of updating.


Update1a notes

SMARTBOARD AND AUDIO NOTES FROM Spring 2018/2019/2020 and Fall 2019:

Update and builtin functions (4/4/19) in PDF format Accompanying audio
Updates and builtin functions (4/4/19) Accompanying Smartboard presentations


You need to write an update program that can add, change or delete records in a database table. I am looking for effective maintenance and something easy for the user to work with. You need to be able to add a record to the database table, change an existing database record and delete a record from a database record. I suggest you use my update as a model to create one of your own with a different database table. You can also decide to write one from scratch. Note the table I am referring to here is a file in a database.
Check back!
Week #12
Week of April 8th


If you took last week as a get caught up week, then look back to last week and do the assignment and postpone this assignment until next week. If you did not take the catch up week last week, then this is your current assignment. Just remember you need to do all the assignments - the catch up week was simply to give you some time as opposed to all catch up time at the end of the semester.
At the beginning of the week we will look at images.
Then we will look at email, cookies and sessions.
Please read the following:
More on sessions


Images First Group PHP zipped
Images Second Group PHP zipped
Email Group One PHP zipped
Email Group Two PHP zipped
cookies session zipped
More on session guess games


Images in First Group
Images in First Group continued
Images in Second Group
Basic email
Images in email
Using databases in email
Form using header(location)
Sessions using guess game

SMARTBOARD AND AUDIO NOTES FROM Spring 2018/2019/2020 and Fall 2019:

Images first group (4/18/19) in PDF format Partial accompanying audio
Third Arrays and first images (4/18/19) Accompanying Smartboard presentations
Images second and email first (4/23/19) in PDF format Partial accompanying audio
Second images and first email (4/23/19) Accompanying Smartboard presentations
Email and sessions and cookies (4/30/19) in PDF format Partial accompanying audio
Email and sessions and cookies (4/30/19) Accompanying Smartboard presentations


Quiz: Quiz on databases and images Just to clarify when you bring up a random picture I want the address taken from the database table to be used. Really more like homework!
You need to identify yourself on the emails you send through PHP so I know who sent them. I have had some that were unclaimed in previous years, so if you have not heard back, resend
First: Make a email using html and php. It should include an image, color and several different html features.
Second: Set up a database table with idno, name, email and major. Send an email to everyone in the database. Clearly I should be in the database.
Please test sending it to yourself and only send me the email when it is working - you need to send it to my Bristol email.
Actually the Bristol email seems to have problems with images so test things out with your own email address.
Sessions assignment: Write the Rock Paper Scissors game where you use sessions and gather information on one page and check it on another page.
Week #11
Week of April 1st


Please try to make it to the CIS Alum Career Panel on ZOOM. The date is Thursday, April 4th at noon. I have sent you an email with the address. Let me know if you do not receive it.
Recording of the CIS Alum Panel on April 4th
If you need help, don't forget to set up an appointment with Milo or myself.
You will be getting a week with no assignments after we finish the course material - essentially a catch-up week. If you would like to take that week now you can and then do this assignment next week and delay other assignments by a week. Just let me know if you decide to make this a catch up week - if you have questions, let me know. Note that all assignments are still being assigned.
We are going to continue looking at arrays this week.


Array Group Second PHP zipped Started last week.
Array Group Third PHP zipped


Misc in Second Array Group
Array second another2dim (first two)
Array second another2dim (next two)
Misc examples from third array group
Misc examples from third array group continued
Sequence of programs about rainbow colors

SMARTBOARD AND AUDIO NOTES FROM Spring 2018/2019/2020 and Fall 2019:

Second/Third Arrays (4/16/19) in PDF format Partial accompanying audio
Note the Smartboard was a problem and the second part of Third Arrays was lost. I suggest you look at Spring 2018 c159Apr1218.pdf).
Second/Third Arrays (missed the first part) (4/16/19) Accompanying Smartboard presentations
More arrays (4/10/18) Accompanying audio
More arrays (4/10/18) Accompanying Smartboard presentations
Even more arrays (4/12/18) Accompanying audio
Even more arrays (4/12/18) Accompanying Smartboard presentations


Solve using arrays
Check back!
Week #10
Week of March 25th


ZOOM Alum Panel will be April 4th at noon. Please try to attend. Alum will discuss their careers and working in the computing field. It is usually a really interesting discussion so PLEASE TRY TO ATTEND!
I will email you the link to the Zoom Alum Panel - it is my usual link to Zoom.
I believe April 3rd is the last day that students can withdraw from their classes. Withdrawal information
If you are far behind you should do a realistic analysis and decide if you want to withdraw. If you have questions, we can talk!!! You should also talk to financial aid if you have financial aid and you want to be sure you understand the impact of failing and the impact of withdrawing.
This week we are going to start to look at arrays. We will return to updating after we cover arrays.


Array Group First
Array Group Second PHP zipped Start this - it will also be next week.


Introduction to arrays using using PHP
Two dimensional array using PHP

SMARTBOARD AND AUDIO NOTES FROM Spring 2019/2020 and Fall 2019:

Intro arrays and guest speaker (4/9/19) in PDF format Accompanying audio
Intro arrays and guest speaker (4/9/19) Accompanying Smartboard presentations
Arrays continued (4/11/19) in PDF format Accompanying audio
Arrays continued (4/11/19) Accompanying Smartboard presentations


Math Array
Assignment:The statements Multiply by 0, Multiply by 1 are stored in a one dimension array and displayed. You need to extract the message from the array and display it before you show each group. You are going to display the math facts and the answers. The answers need to be stored in a two dimensional array. Set up a two level table to print out the math facts and get the answer from the two dimensional array. The two multipliers are the indexes that allow you to extract the answer. I used a nested while loop to do this and another time I used a nested for loop.
To clarify (I hope)... So there should be one array that has messages in it: Multiply by 0, Multiply by 1 etc. Every time you change to multiply by a different number, you display one of them. Then you are going to set up a loop with i and j or x and y whatever. To get the answer you want to display you need to go to a two dimensional array that contains the answers and extract them using the i and j or x and y or whatever. So for the first problem i is 0 and j is 0 so you use those to go to the two dimensional table and extract the answer of 0. For the last problem k is 4 and j is 4 so you use those to go to the two dimensional table and extract the answer of 16. It is kind of like extracting the miles from one city to another using two indexes (from city and two city). Here you are using two indexes that are the two numbers you are multiplying.
Check back!
Week #9
Week of March 18th


Let me know if there is something you would like to go over.



get proc 1 and 2
get proc 3 and 4


Check back!
Vacation Week
Week of March 11th
Also for most college students it is also catch up week. Please take advantage of the time if you need to get caught up. I will be available via email much of the time and I can set up Zoom times as well.
Week #8
Week of March 4th


Now we will move on to ThirdConnectGroup.


Third Connect Group zipped
Sometimes you may find an extra program being discussed or some small change made when you look at the videos. I experiment sometimes!


Insert into MySQL using PHP
Delete and update MySQL using PHP
More on insert, update, delete MySQL using PHP
Continuing ACD (add, change, delete) MySQL using PHP
Misc other things using PHP and MySQL
Rest of the misc exmples in Third Connect Group using PHP and MySQL

SMARTBOARD AND AUDIO NOTES FROM Spring 2019/2020 and Fall 2019:

Connecting PHP and MySQL cont (3/19/19) in PDF format Accompanying audio
Connecting PHP and MySQL cont (3/19/19) Accompanying Smartboard presentations
Third Connect Group (3/26/19) in PDF format Accompanying audio
Third Connect Group (3/26/19) Accompanying Smartboard presentations


PHP connect quiz
Third Connect Group Assignment
Check back!
Week #7
Week of February 26th


Remember that if you get something returned with errors that means you do not have a grade and you need to fix and resubmit.
We will look a some more at SQL, relational databases and then move on to linking MySQL into PHP.
We will finish up our quick introduction to MySQL and using SQL and start incorporating it into PHP.


First Connect Group zipped
Connect Explanation
Second Connect Group OK


First Connect Group
Second Connect Group part 1
Second Connect Group part 2

SMARTBOARD AND AUDIO NOTES FROM Spring 2019/2020 and Fall 2019:

Finishing SQL & Connecting (3/3/20) in PDF format Accompanying audio
Finishing SQL & Connecting (3/3/20) Accompanying Smartboard presentations
Relational database (3/5/20) in PDF format Accompanying audio
Relational database (3/5/20) Accompanying Smartboard presentations
Connecting MySQL and PHP (3/10/20) in PDF format Accompanying audio
Connecting MySQL and PHP (3/10/20) Accompanying Smartboard presentations


Basic Connect
Check back!
Week #6
Week of February 19th


Using Putty (copy and paste)


Keys, indexes etc.
Multiple tables


Keys and indexes etc
Subqueries etc
Multiple tables

SMARTBOARD AND AUDIO NOTES FROM Spring 2019/2020 and Fall 2019:

More MySQL (thru indexes) (2/26/19) in PDF format Accompanying audio
More MySQL (thru indexes) (2/26/19) Accompanying Smartboard presentations
MySQL (thru functions) (2/28/19) in PDF format Accompanying audio
MySQL (thru functions) (2/28/19) Accompanying Smartboard presentations


workingwithSQL.doc Play computer (do not actually run) and show me the output that would be produced.
SQL Assignment 2
Week #5
Week of February 12th


We will start out by looking at the layout of tables when we create a database. Specifically we will look at third normal form. Then we will look at SQL focusing on the notes from last week. Next week we will look at multiple tables in SQL among other things.
Notes on relational database
The MySQL notes from last week and this week will be the major source of information to do the assignments.
Basic background information for working with Horizon.
Horizon (Janelle Arruda)
Then I want you took at this step by step video where I upload a file to cisweb using WinSCP which is available through Horizon.
Upload to cisweb
And another...
Loading to cisweb
Finally when you have it uploaded onto cisweb, you need to figure out the address to give to others to see the file or files you upload. There is a very short video on that.
See page in browser
Steps to work with MySQL through Horizon and Putty.
Step by step notes for using Horizon to get to putty and work with MySQL
Video of using Horizon to get to putty and work with MySQL


Beginning MySQL notes (repeat from last week)
Data types
More SQL


3rd normal form - intro student
3rd normal form - order and donor
3rd normal form - one to many
MySQL more SQL
MySQL more SQL continued


SQL assignment I know the directions say picture of screen but in fact I would prefer just copying the output and pasting it in so it is more readable - check putty directions for doing this!
Note that in the sample, I took an example I had used in Oracle. You need to check out how to do the date in MySQL. For students taking Oracle and MySQL I wanted to highlight the similarity in SQL.
Check back!
Week #4
Week of February 5th


I am going to be away for a long weekend, still checking my email periodically, but I decided to load the week of early.
We will start out by looking at or continuing to look at GroupThreePlusPHP Boston Tea Party, GroupFourPHP and GroupFivePHP.


Some are repeated from last week since these topics really run over last week. Third Group Plus PHP zipped
Fourth Group PHP zipped
Boston Tea party example PHP zipped
Fifth Group PHP zipped

TOPIC VIDEOS for PHP example:

Group 5 examples explained
Topic videos for 4 and Boston Tea are under last week. Coverage of these spread over two weeks.

In using these notes remember that the port is now 220.


Beginning MySQL notes
Things that change! Note that the host is, the port is 220 and the prompt does not have MariaDB in it.
MySQL and putty
Using Putty in MySQL as of Feb 16,2016
Experiment with MySQL please.

TOPIC VIDEOS for MySQL examplea:

MySQL introduction
MySQL introduction continued

SMARTBOARD AND AUDIO NOTES FROM Spring 2019/2020 and Fall 2019:

Introduction to MySQL (2/19/19) in PDF format Accompanying audio
Introduction to MySQL (2/19/19) Accompanying Smartboard presentations
Continuing Intro to MySQL (2/21/19) in PDF format Accompanying audio
Continuing Intro to MySQL (2/21/19) Accompanying Smartboard presentations


Assignment #1: I would like you to write an educational game for kids about some event or series of facts. It should be something along the lines of what I did for the Boston Tea Party. It should have a minimum of 4 pages.
Assignment#2: Basic Queries
Week #3
Week of January 29th


Continuing with PHP Basics. We are looking at Group 3, Group 4 and Boston Tea this week and into next.
If you are having trouble connecting or running PHP, please contact me. We can set up a Zoom if that would help.


You can find Third Group Plus PHP at Third Group Plus PHP
Fourth Group PHP zipped
You should also work on the Bston Tea Party educational example.
Boston Tea Party PHP zipped


Group 3+
Group 3+ continued
Group 4 while loop
Group 4 do while loop
Group 4 for loop misc
Group 4 loop within loop
Boston Tea Party

SMARTBOARD AND AUDIO NOTES FROM Spring 2019/2020 and Fall 2019:

PHP Fourth Group LOOP (2/7/19) in PDF format Accompanying audio
PHP Fourth Group LOOP (2/7/19) Accompanying Smartboard presentations
Boston Tea, Third Plus Group, Fifth Group (2/12/19) in PDF format Accompanying audio
Boston Tea, Third Plus Group, Fifth Group LOOP (2/12/19) Accompanying Smartboard presentations


Loop Quiz: without loop program Please download this program and modify it three times. Once to use a while loop, once to use a do...while loop and once to use a for loop.
Program to write: Write a program to do the algebraic equation x = a +a(b+4)/2 multiple times within loops that vary a and b. The variable a should start at 1 go to 10 and increment by 1. The variable b should start at 2 and go to 10 and increment by 2. When you display the answer show the formula in php. I want you to do this three times: once with a, once with a do...while and once with a while.
Check back!
Week #2
Week of January 22nd


Because a text book is not required, I want to point you to a few good PHP tutorials/ references that you can use throughout the semester. I will also put up sites related to current topics periodically.
Tutorials Point (PHP)
The W3 schools tutorial gives you option to test things
A slow moving basic tutorial
I have broken the PHP down into groups of examples with accompanying videos. During week #1, I suggested you look at First Group PHP to get familiar with the basics and now we are going to move on to Second Group PHP and Third Group PHP (Third Group will also be a topic in Week #3.
We are now using Horizon for security reasons so you need to access cisweb where PHP is located through Horizon.
Horizon (Janelle Arruda)
The next videos deal with loading to cisweb and running PHP.
Loading to cisweb
Running PHP
The notes below are from semesters before we started using Horizon, but they have useful information about working with WinSCP and cisweb.
To load things up on the Internet, we use WINSCP. Please read the WINSCP and cisweb information: (note that in my examples I use as the host, we are now using as the host. The port has also changed to 220.
Here is information about using cisweb and WINSCP at BCC
Talks more specifically about portfolio We will be looking at making a portfolio later in the semester.
If you want to download WINSCP at home, you can find it at this address.


We will continue with PHP looking at Second Group PHP and we will start Third Group PHP. You can find Second Group PHP at Second Group PHP
You can find Third Group PHP at Third Group PHP


Group 2 payroll examples
Group 2 sentence examples
Misc from Group 2
Group 3 if and
Group 3 if or both

SMARTBOARD AND AUDIO NOTES FROM Spring 2019/2020 and Fall 2019:

PHP Second Group (1/31/19) in PDF format Accompanying audio
PHP Second Group (1/31/19) Accompanying Smartboard presentations
PHP Third Group IF (2/5/19) in PDF format Accompanying audio
PHP Third Group IF (2/5/19) Accompanying Smartboard presentations


Below is a presentation on the structure of IF statements.
Presentation on logical if structures - review


Assignment #1: Write an HTML that takes in at least three pieces of data. Pass the data to a PHP program that processes the data and displays the results.
Assignment #2: Memo assignment Make up 5 names and use the 7 days of the week. and notice in my example I have you select a first name but I put out the whole name. You can make up the names. Also note that the select is Wed but in the memo I use Wednesday.
Week #1
Week of January 15th


Introduction to CIS159 - Spring 2024
Introduction to CIS159 - Spring 2022
We will start off the semester with a quick review of HTML if needed and then we will actually start the PHP. If you have already had CIS122/44 or have previous experience, this will be a review. If you have taken CIS120/17, you have already been introduced to HTML. For others I suggest that you use resources at the sites for CIS120/17 and CIS122/44 or other resources on the web to accquaint yourself with HTML.
There are a lof of examples under CIS122 Internet Developer.
A great reference for writing HTML is W3Schools
The students in this class have a variety of backgrounds, so for some HTML is review and for others it is relatively new.
Handout on using WinSCP3 Note instead of the host as we are now using
The port is now 220.
WinSCP3 is available as open source software and you can download it for home use.
You should be getting a username/password for the BCC site at the end of this week.
We will be working exclusively off the BCC cisweb site. You do not need to install PHP or MySQL, they are on the server.


When we start to look at PHP log into cisweb and copy my examples from First Group PHP up to the site. You cannot do this until you have received password information from IT.
You can find First Group PHP at First Group PHP revised - a few things have been added


FirstGroupPHP - hello world through name
FirstGroupPHP - html to PHP

SMARTBOARD AND AUDIO NOTES FROM Spring 2019/2020 and Fall 2019:

First day, review HTML, intro PHP (1/23/20) in PDF format Accompanying audio
First day, review of HTML, introPHP (1/23/20) Accompanying Smartboard presentations
First group PHP (1/28/20) in PDF format Accompanying audio
First group PHP (1/28/20) Accompanying Smartboard presentations


If you are new to HTML, I want you to build a web page. The page should include at least: list table, CSS and form.
If you are experienced with HTML, I want you to develop a page that challenges you and uses elements that you stretch your knowledge - this is the time to explore more CSS or forms - experiment!
Due the Thursday after the week it is assigned so due January 25th. (Note that homework is always due the Thursday of the week after it is assigned unless I give a specific due date.
For all assignments and quizzes, send me the address that I can run in the browser to test your program and also send a copy of the code.

Send e-mail to Priscilla Grocer:

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