Programming: Logic, Design and Implementation (CIS17)

Weekly Schedule

Schedule by session Information to cover
Please note that the first assignment is at the bottom of the list posted here. You should do the work in order! I may add to the weekly schedule during the course of the week, so please check back multiple times. Please keep copies of all work you submit until you receive your final grade at the end of the semester.
Week of December 21st
I will still take a couple of things if you contact me!
Enjoy the holidays and the break and if you are behind contact me about supplemental instruction/tutoring available over break.
Survey:I would really appreciate your doing this in support of the grants that help us get money for Supplemental Instruction etc. Thanks!
Week #15
Week of December 14th
Help: You may not ask for help on the final exam, that is an individual project!
Andrew is available Monday at 3 in K104 or K118. Tuesday there is help at 11 and 2 - 4 in K101. Wednesday, Andrew is available at 9 in K118 and at 5 in K101 and Lauri is available at 11 in the main lab. Thursday, I am available at 11 and 3 in K101 and Lauri is available from 5-7 in the main lab. This week we will wrap up Access and look at relational databases. Please be sure to look at the two presentations under Access and SQL called Normalization and Relational Database using donor. You should also read the notes under relational database rules called relational database - normalization rules.
Read the information in your textbook on relational databases and normalization (chapter #16)
Extra credit assignment, we will also look at this in class:
For the extra credit assignment below, set up and populate the tables and do the queries.
First Database assignment - student DB
Your final exam is scheduled for 12:30 on Friday. The exam was posted last Friday. If you email me the exam prior to the start of the final, you do not have to come to the final. If you have not sent it to me, you need to come and complete the final during the scheduled time. You should email to my usual email address and to the email backup address that I have given you.
Final Exam
Required Status Sheet The status sheet is a required part of the final, I will not correct the final if you do send me the status sheet.
Let me know if you have any problem bringing up the exam or the status sheet!
I will post a survey similar to the one you took during the first week of classes. This status sheet is part of the grant funding and I need you to complete it. Speaking of grants, the money for the supplementary instruction was from one of the grants. I asked people in students to fill out a form evaluating that. I have asked for an electronic copy and will post it when I get it.
Thanks and let me know if you have any questions!
Survey:I would really appreciate your doing this in support of the grants that help us get money for Supplemental Instruction etc. Thanks!
Week #14
Week of December 7th
Tuesday there is help at 11 and 2 - 4 in K101. Wednesday, Andrew is available at 9 in K118 and at 5 in K101 and Lauri is available at 11 in the main lab. Thursday, I am available at 11 and 3 in K101 and Lauri is available from 5-7 in the main lab. Friday Andrew is 10 in K105 and I am available at 11 in my office.I plan to stay late on Friday so I will be available from 3 to 7. Lauri will be available this Saturday and next from 10-2. Please submit your evaluation of me
If you want me to check your status in the course and tell you what is missing, fill out this status sheet and email it to me.
Preliminary Status Sheet
We will continue with Visual Basic this week and hopefully clear up a few other things at the end of the week. We have looked at loops and we will look at arrays, messages and file processing.
Please look at the PowerPoint presentations that deal with sequential processing and random processing.
Presentation on sequential update processing
    Separate speaker notes
Sequential processing Not an assignment.
Presentation on random update processing
    Separate speaker notes
Random processing Not an assignment
We will probably not get an opportunity to look at Excel this semester, if you experiment on your own you can earn extra credit:
There is a PowerPoint that introduces Excel at the site.
First grade spreadsheet example
Second grade spreadsheet example
Extra credit: Excel assignment
Visual Basic assignment Note: the last two questions are extra credit.
Portfolio: You need to send me the address to your portfolio. You should have the title page, the index to four projects and the resume.
Your final exam will be posted Friday (12/11/09) night. You will also have a survey to complete and a status sheet to complete. They must all be completed by the start of the final next Friday or you must show up at the final to complete.
Week #13
Week of November 30th
Andrew is available Monday at 3 in K104 or K118. Tuesday there is help at 11 and 2 - 3 in K101. Wednesday, Andrew is available at 9 in K118 and at 5 in K101 and Lauri is available at 11 in the main lab. Thursday, I am available at 11 and 3 in K101 and Lauri is available from 5-7 in the main lab. Friday Andrew is 10 in K105 and I am available at 11 in my office. I plan to stay late on Friday so I will be available from 1 to 7. Lauri will be available Saturday from 10 to 2.
This week we will focus on Visual Basic. Again, you can find version 6 using your MSDN Alliance.
This week we will look at if statements and we will start to look at other capibilities in VB.
Your assignment is to take the algorithm assignment that you did in JavaScript and redo it in Visual Basic. You need to send me both the .vbp and the .frm for each of the four programs.
Visual Basic programming assignment
Week #12
Week of November 23rd
I am holding an open lab from 9-12 on Tuesday in K101 and students from all of my classes can come at any point for help.
I am assuming that Andrew is available Monday at 3 in K104 or K118 and that Wednesday he is available at 9 in K118 and at 5 in K101, and that Wednesday Laurie is availble in the main lab at 11. I am not sure yet whether Lauri is available on Saturday.
We started looking at Visual Basic 6 in class on Friday. There are examples at the site. I suggest that if you need it at home, that you try to download from MSDN this week. Again, we are using version 6 which is an older version but it is easier to work with when you are only doing it for a couple of weeks.
Soft Skills Paper (Due December 12th)
Week #11
Week of November 16th
Next Tuesday (Nov 24th) is an open lab day from 9 to 2 in K101. Students from all classes can attend at any time for help. If you are behind please plan to come for as long as you can! Andrew is available Monday at 3 in K104 or K118. Tuesday there is help at 11 and 2 - 4 in K101. Wednesday, Andrew is available at 9 in K118 and at 5 in K101 and Lauri is available at 11 in the main lab. Thursday, I am available at 11 and 3 in K101 and Lauri is available from 5-7 in the main lab. Friday Andrew is 10 in K105 and I am available at 11 in my office. Saturday Help: Saturday, Lauri will be available from 10 to 2 in K105 (or another lab - please check if she is not in K105, the help desk will know where she is). Also check back to see if there are any changes.
I have sent you an invitation to a blog. As a starter, you can use this to introduce yourself and ask questions of your classmates.
Anyone that uses it this week will get extra credit.
We will be looking at more Alice on Tuesday. I want you to go to examples and download the ballsbounce examples.
On Friday, I will start Visual Basic version 6. Over next week, if you need it at home, please download it from MSDN. If you want to work with a different version, contact me.
Second Alice Assignment: I want you to write a program using modules/methods, 2 kinds of loops, an if/else and an if/else with an embedded if/else. I want you to do a startup/housekeeping/initialize module/method, a process module/method that handles other modules/methods and a wrapup module/method. Look at my examples (zipped copies of the programs) and PowerPoints on ballsbounce to help with this assignment!
Extra Credit delicious posting assignment. I want good descriptions of the sites that you post. Information has been sent to students at their BCC accounts.
Week #10
Week of November 9th
Andrew is available Monday at 3 in K104 or K118. Tuesday there is help at 11 and 2 - 4 in K101. Wednesday is a holiday. Thursday, I am availble at 11 and 3 in K101 and Lauri is available 5-7 in the main lab. Friday Andrew is avalable at 10 in K105 and I am available at 11 in my office. Saturday, I will probably be available for a while in the morning. Check back for more information about Friday and Saturday.
On Thursday, a guest speaker from Meditech will be in both classes to talk about jobs and the need for both technical skills and soft skills. Please think about the soft skills needed in industry and relate to the articles you found for your soft skills database. Think about the questions you want to ask! Eventually you are going to be asked to write a paper on this topic (we will have another speaker).
We are going to take a quick look at computer codes including some historic codes.
In the text we will look at some information from chapters #8, #10, #11 and #14 in the next couple of weeks, so I recommend reading these chapters in addition to chapters #1 - #6.
This week I want you to introduce yourself to Alice with my notes and handouts, presentations and examples.
Alice can be downloaded from Alice (go with version 2)
Please watch tutorial 1 about the ice skater under Alice tutorials (within the package) - there is also a presentation at my site.
I want you to look at this PowerPoint presentation on Alice: Using Alice
Zipped version of Using Alice for download
As you read about object-oriented programming, relate it to Alice. That is the style used in Alice.
It looks like we will have another guest speaker on Friday, a networking graduate. Again, think about questions you want to ask.
We will postpone the look at more features in Alice for next week.
First Alice Assignment: Using my Alice presentation as a guide, I want you to create something in Alice. You should have multiple objects (minimum 3). Your Alice code should have a sequence of 10 different methods or things that one of your objects does. This will probably get done in class for in class students.
Quiz (Review of flowcharts and pseudocode): Remember quizzes are individual projects and I trust you to honor that and work individually. Sorry about my drawings!
Quiz on flowcharts and pseudocode
Please submit the quiz answers on the answer sheet (it is given below in html and word):
Answer sheet (html version)
Answer sheet (doc or word version)
Check back!
Week #9
Week of November 2nd
Andrew is available Monday at 3 in K104 or K118. Tuesday there is help at 11 and 2 - 4 in K101. Wednesday, Andrew is available at 9 in K118 and at 5 in K101 and Lauri is available at 11 in the main lab. Thursday, I am available at 11 and 3 in K101 and Lauri is available from 5-7 in the main lab. Friday Andrew is 10 in K105 and I am available at 11 in my office. Saturday Help: Saturday, Lauri will be available from 10 to 2 in K105 (or another lab - please check if she is not in K105, the help desk will know where she is). Also check back to see if there are any changes.
At some point this week, we are going to start to look at StarLogo. You will find a presentation under presentations and you will find a list of StarLogo commands under notes. Information about LOGO procedures is also available under notes. Information about LOGO
If you do not want to work in the labs, you will need to download and install a version of StarLogo which is available at: StarLogo
We are also going to start looking at JavaScript this week.
Please look at the PowerPoint on LOGO and the handout on LOGO procedures.
My goal is to also look at numbering systems and codes this week:
Numbering systems and code
This handout covers binary and hex well, but it was written over 20 years ago and the code information is historical. We will look at 8-bit ASCII code in class.
LOGO assignment:Logo assignmentWhen you send me the LOGO, you should also send me a text file with the code you used to direct the turtle copied and pasted into the text file.
Let me clarify. For the LOGO assignment you should send me the logo that you create. When you save it saves it with the name you assign and a .slogo extension. Attach the logo for assignments 1, 2 and 3 (note that if you do 2 with procedures, you can send 2 and 3 as one logo. You should also copy and paste the code you wrote including the proceudure to a separate notepad file and send me one note pad file for each problem.
Check JavaScript assignment posted late last week: I had problems uploading so I sent a JavaScript assignment to you last Thursday night. I have now posted it. You can have an extra week to work on it!
Numbering System Assignment
Please note, you have to give me the work that shows how you solved the problem. You should send me the answers electronically. The work can be sent electronically or you can give it to me on paper. Note: I initially made this a quiz, I changed my mind and made it an assignment.
Week #8
Week of October 26th
I just got home, check back on Monday I believe that Andrew is available at 3:00 on Monday in K104 or K118. I will be available at 11 and 2 (until 2:30) on Tuesday. Andrew is also available at 11 on Tuesday. Wednesday Andrew is available at 9 in K118 and at 5 in K101. Lauri is available Wed at 11 and Thursday from 5-7. I am available on Thursday at 11 and at 3. Friday, Andrew is available at 10 in K105 and I am available at 11 in my office and again from around 4 to 6:30 in my office. Saturday Help in K105: Lauri will be available Saturday from 10 until 1 or 2! She will be available until 2 if anyone is there or if you let either of us know you definitely will be there after 1. Otherwise she is free to leave at 1.
Extra Credit: This looks like an interesting set of seminars (I have not listened to them). If you listen to some and write an analysis of what was said, you can earn some extra credit: Microsoft webcasts
We are going to continue with JavaScript. We will look at the examples from last week first and then we will look at the logic and code for the guess game.
The JavaScript programs are:
Guess number, one guess
Guess number, one game
Guess number, multiple games
Extra Credit: This assignment will be done in class in a group for in class students. The group will be 3 people and each person should key in one of the problems with the others watching, helping and checking. Distance learning students should try these examples as well. If you submit working programs you will get extra credit.
1) Write the code using JavaScript to take in a persons name and their GPA. If the GPA is greater than 3 display a message telling them they are doing very well on the screen along with their name. If the GPA is not greater than 3 place a message suggesting they work harder on the screen along with their name.
2) Write the code using JavaScript to take in a persons pay per hour and the hours they worked, multiply them together and display their gross pay. Do a loop to take in different employees until you have processed your five employees.
3) Write the code to take in the high temperature for the day and the low temperature for the day. Display the average. Also display a message telling whether the temperature is above freezing or below freezing. Do a loop to process the temperatures for three days.
Working on your portfolio: I want you to prepare a resume if you have not done so already and post it at your portfolio. Providing identifying information such as last name and address are your choice. Please research what is involved in a good online resume and follow the guidelines. Send me the link to your site when you are done and also send me the link to the site you used to get resume information. I also want you to upload your database dealing with soft skills. I also want you to upload one of the JavaScript assignments from the first assignment. You should modify the second page of the portfolio so you have a link to each of these projects.
JavaScript assignment You can have an extra week to work on this.
Week #7
Week of October 19th
I have been having problems loading to the BCC server so the audio and Smartboard from Thursday and Friday are not up yet. I will put them someplace else if things do not get resolved.
I am going to be at a conference on Thursday and Friday. Andrew is available at 3:00 on Monday in K104 or K118 - you need to check. Wednesday Andrew is available at 9 in K118 and at 5 in K101. Andrew will be available from 9 to 12 in K101 on Thursday and at 9, 10 and 12 on Friday. Lauri will be from 9 to 1 on Thursday in K101 and 9 and 10 Friday in K101. She will also be avaialable at 11 on Wed in K130 (the main lab) and from 5 to 7 on Thursday in K130.. I will post additional times when they are available a little later. I will be available Tuesday at 11. Take advanatge of this time to get caught up!
Please read chapter #6. You should now have read the first six chapters.
We will continue working on JavaScript! Look at the loop programs under programs.
Some more JavaScript examples we are going to look at (relate these to the examples on the IF PowerPoint from week #3):
Quiz on text
Please use one of these answer sheets:
HTML Answer sheet
Wordprocessing Answer sheet
Week #6
Week of October 12th
Since Monday is Tuesday, Andrew will be available at 3:00 in K104 or K118 and Lauri is available at 1:30 in K130. Wednesday Andrew is available at 9 in K118 and at 5 in K101. Wednesday, Lauri is available at 11 in K130. On Thursday I am available at 11 and at 3 in K101. On Thursday, Lauri is available from 5 to 7 in K130. Friday, Andrew is available at 10 in K105 and I am available at 11 in my office and again from around 3:30 to 6:30 in my office. If you have hours you would like to suggest, let me know.
On Thursday and Friday we will continue looking at JavaScript.
Please read chapter #5 in the text book.
Algorithm Assignment and JavaScript Assignment After you lay out the algorithms for this assignment, I want you to write the JavaScript for each of the problems. You should write them in JavaScript in notepad, save them with a .html extension and open them in a browser. Firefox is the easier browser to use for this assignment.
Week #5
Week of October 5th
Help is available with Andrew at 3 on Monday in either K104 or K118 - you may need to check. Help is available with me on Tuesday at 11 in K101 and I am also available after 2 (check my office). Wednesday Andrew will not be able to come to BCC. Thursday I am available at 11 and at 3 in K101. Friday, Andrew is available at 10 in K105. We are adding some more help hours: Lauri will be available at a variety of times (this week she will be in the main lab). She will be available Tuesday from 6 to 8, Wednesday at 11 and Thursday from 5 to 7.
If anything changes, I will post it!
Please read through chapter #4 in your text.
Check the summary of assignments due and make sure you are on schedule: Assignment Summary
I added another practice exercise to last week. It would be good to practice with them. The answers will be posted via Smartboard on Tuesday (I go to the answers on the first one in the 9:00 class on Friday, so check those when they are posted).
Note that there is no resubmit on things labeled as group projects (even if you do them individually), ask questions if you have them!
Check back!
Logic assignment
Logic PowerPoint Will be worked on in class for in class students - required for all students. In this assignment, you should play computer and step through the logic and create the report as you go. This assignment should NOT be done using Access. I would suggest you write the answers in word.
Week #4
Week of September 28th
If I sent you back the database assignment from week two and asked you to fix and resubmit, you have a week to do that. If it was in by Sunday the 27th, you met the deadline for submitting, now you just need to fix it up and get it back within a week.
Help is available with Andrew at 3 on Monday in either K104 or K118 - you may need to check. Help is available with me on Tuesday at 11 in K101 and I am also available after 2 (check my office). Wednesday Andrew is available at 9 in K118 and at 5 in K101. Thursday I am available at 11 and at 3 in K101. Friday, Andrew is available at 10 in K105. We are adding some more help hours: Lauri will be available at a variety of times (this week she will be in the main lab). She will be available Tuesday from 6 to 8, Wednesday at 11 and Thursday from 5 to 7.
If anything changes, I will post it!
Please read chapter #3 in the text book.
This week we are going to wrap up the handout on logic flowcharts, look at some examples, check Access 2003 (hopefully) and look at SQL. We will start looking at loop structures.
Please look at this PowerPoint:
Presentation on structure (focus on loops)
    Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation structure (focus on loops)
Practice exercise: Practice exercise
Another practice exercise
There will be an inclass project done in groups on Thursday so it would be a good time to come to class if you can. If you disagree with the results the group decides on, you can submit your individual answer as well, however as a courtesy you should let your group know you are doing it. The individual answer has to come in soon after the work was done in class - in other words before I correct the group part.
Group project in class. Online students should check with me on Thursday night. I have decided to make this an individual project for online students because I have not gotten back too many responses on the group vs individual issue yet.
Access SQL assignment (document version)
Access SQL assignment (html version)
Access SQL answer sheet
Books database with SQL 2007 version
Books database with SQL 2003 version
SQL code (document version)This is a copy of the SQL code in case it gets messed up
Homework assignment:
Database assignment
Week #3
Week of September 21st
Remember that week one homework is due by midnight on September 20th. If it is late, it is better to be a little late then a lot late, but either way it is better to get the assignment in!
Check back, I am going to load up an inclass group project (there will be a distance learning version) on Monday evening!
Check back! Help is available with Andrew at 3 on Monday in either K104 or K118 - you may need to check. Help is available with me on Tuesday at 11 in K101 and I am also available after 2 (check my office). Wednesday Andrew is available at 9 in K118 and at 5 in K101. Thursday I am available at 11 and at 3 in K101. Friday, Andrew is available at 10 in K105. We are adding some more help hours: Lauri will be available at a variety of times (this week she will be in the main lab). She will be available Wednesday at 11 and Thursday from 5 to 7.
Presentation on logical if structures
    Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation on logical if structures
In class work sheet on if statements (Extra Credit if you pass it and it is correct or close to it - must be passed in before next Tuesdays class since I will go over it in class.)
I want you to write a paper about careers in the computer field. There should be two parts to the paper:
The first part should be an interview with your mentor about the work he or she does in the computing field or if your mentor is continuing studies in computing, ask about the degree program he or she is in and what they would like to do when they complete their studies. Your paper should contain information about your mentor's job or degree program with several quotes from your mentor.
The second part should be researching a career that interests you and writing about what the job involves and the skills that are needed.
The paper should include notes citing your sources (I would estimate that you need at least a couple of pages to cover the goals well).
In addition, send me a list of the questions you asked your mentor.
The paper is due in three weeks (by midnight on October 11th).
Group project:
For students in class on Tuesday, you will break up in groups of 3 and choose a leader who will be responsible for mailing me your answers with a cc to you so you know that it came through.
For web students, I will mail you an email Tuesday night with your group and group leader. You can then communicate via email (I am waiting to see who is in class before assigning the web groups).
Group DB assignment
Group DB assignment (html version)
Answer sheet for group project
Book Database to use in answering questions (Access 2007)
Book Database to use in answering questions (Access 2003)
For students not in class, group assignments got emailed to BCC accounts tonight. If you receive one and you are not in the class please let me know. If I made a mistake and assigned you to an evening class when you were there today, let me know. If you did not receive an invitation, let me know. Hopefully I got it right! We will see!
Note there is an error in #6: it should read and condition D instead of or condition D.
Please collaborate with your group and the group leader should send me the results - if you do not hear from your group leader, try contacting them. If there is a problem, you can let me know and we can decide to have you work individually or possibly change groups.
Week #2
Week of September 14th
Extra help time is being made available. I will be available for help at 11 in K101 on both Tuesday and Thursday. I will also be available in the same spot on Thursday at 3. Hopefully I will be posting other times when there is help later this week. Help is in addition to regular class times.
This week we are going to look at loading the html pages you write to the web. If you are coming to class you should bring something that you can load and test so that you are comfortable with the process. I am sending out user ids and passwords. If it does not work after multiple tries, contact me - I am sure I have typed something wrong on a few of them!
Portfolio information:
Here is information about using cisweb at BCC
Talks more specifically about portfolio
Check back to see what we will be doing later in the week.
I want you to put up on the web the beginnings of a portfolio written in HTML. If you are new to HTML, you are welcome to use my templates as a starting point. They are under examples at the web site. However, if you turn in something that has used my templates with very little modification, you cannot get an A on this assignment. If you are comfortable with HTML or would like to learn more about it, please work to make an interesting and professional site. All sites should be prepared with the idea that a future employer will be looking at it and evaluating you in part based on its content. You need to put up two pages. The first page must link to the second page. At this point the second page can just say something about it being an index to work etc. The second page does not have to have any working links except a link back to the first page.
Note: Assignments are not due until the week after they are assigned. You are welcome to pass them in early. Late assignments will loose points - see the syllabus for details.
Game collection table to be developed
Please remember that I do not want embedded spaces in the field names and I do not want all field sizes for text fields to default to 50 or the higher Access 2007 default.
Please check back every week to see if I have added anything!
Week #1
Week of September 7th
Please check back often each week, I may add things during the week. I am setting up extra labs where students can come for questions and help - the schedule is not available yet. I am also setting up a mentor program with alumni to provide additional support.
Please read chapter #1 in Programming Logic and Design. If you can't get the book, next week is fine. The first topics do not rely on the book.
We will be starting looking at the Access Database next week. For students who need Access, it is available through the MSDN Alliance. Click on this link to get information: MSDN Alliance Software
You will receive an invitation from the college to the MSDN alliance .
I leave up the Smartboard Notes and audio lectures from previous semesters since much of the material is the same. You should look up Smartboard presentations on topics that you want to go over.
I record most of the classes where I deliver a lecture so you should always assume that the class is being recorded. If you want to know, just ask!
This week we are going to start looking at HTML and start to develop the basics of a portfolio.
I am going to start looking at the HTML examples under examples. If you know HTML, you can elaborate on the basics I will present. If you are new to HTML, then we will start out with the basics.
Note: Assignments are not due until the week after they are assigned. You are welcome to pass them in early. Late assignments will loose points - see the syllabus for details.
Please go to this site and take this survey, it relates to the part of this course that deals with employability skills. The portfolio you are developing is also related to both employability and technology.
HTML page to introduce yourself
You should send me your page as an attachment. Don't forget that you need to attach the picture to your email as a separate file.


Send e-mail to Mrs. Grocer (if you have or are taking a course, use the email you were given for the class):

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