Programming: Logic, Design and Implementation (CIS17)

Weekly Schedule

Schedule by session Information to cover
Please note that the first assignment is at the bottom of the list posted here. You should do the work in order! I may add to the weekly schedule during the course of the week, so please check back multiple times. Please keep copies of all work you submit until you receive your final grade at the end of the semester.
Week #15
Week of May 10th
The college has sent you a survey about the CIS Department, please try to respond! Thanks!
I will be around Tuesday at 10 and at 2 and Wednesday after classes. Actually on Wednesday my 9:30 class and my 12:30 class have labs so the room is open from 9:30 to 1:45 and I will be there.
Wednesday at 2. I am staying for the panel, so I will be around all afternoon. If you need help, please see me!
•  Andrew will be available Monday at 2 in K101 and Thursday at 5 (ask for him in the help desk in the main lab)
•  Lauri will be available Wednesday at 5 until 7 (ask for her at the help desk in the main lab), Lauri is available Saturday from 9 to 12.
This week we will finish a few last things: please check the PowerPoints on random and sequential updating under presentations. We will also look at spreadsheets.
Here are the PowerPoint presentations that deal with sequential processing and random processing.
Presentation on sequential update processing
    Separate speaker notes
Sequential processing Extra credit.
Presentation on random update processing
    Separate speaker notes
Random processing Extra creditt
You can do both of the sheets labeled extra credit for one set of extra credit points if they are correct.
We have only introduced Excel this semester, if you experiment on your own you can earn extra credit:
There is a PowerPoint that introduces Excel at the site.
First grade spreadsheet example
Second grade spreadsheet example
Extra credit: Excel assignment
Portfolio: Please submit the address for your portfolio on the web. You have already put it up with a resume and uploaded assignments that you link to. Some of you need to complete this, some need to add finishing touches, others are all set. I need the address so I can give you a grade.
Final Exam The final must be passed in by the time the final is scheduled or you must come to the final and complete it there. (M/W 11:00 a.m.has final on Monday, May 17 from 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.) The required status sheet is a requirement for me to correct the final.
Required Status Sheet
Week #14
Week of May 3rd
Activities this week:
Monday, May 3rd (11:00 in K101), speaker from Meditech coming to our class to talk about careers, skills etc.
Wednesday, May 5th (7PM - 9PM in G Building Atrium), panel discussion about careers in computing and starting a business
Thursday, May 6th (12:30 in C111), Chad Barraford talking about setting up a computer to be your personal assistant
I sent more details to you in an email to your BCC account.
I will be around Tuesday at 10 and at 2, Wednesday at 2. I am staying for the panel, so I will be around all afternoon. If you need help, please see me!
•  Andrew will be available Monday at 2 in K101 and Thursday at 5 (ask for him in the help desk in the main lab)
•  Lauri will be available Wednesday at 5 until 7 (ask for her at the help desk in the main lab), Lauri is available Saturday from 9 to 12.
Guest speaker on Monday, if there is extra time you can work on VB or other assignments. Wednesday we will look at files in VB.
Please write a program that writes a text file and then a second program that reads the text file you wrote. See my example having to do with payroll.
Week #13
Week of April 26th
I will be around Monday afternoon from 3 to 4 (maybe 2 to 4, I need to check), Tuesday at 10 and at 2, Wednesday at 2. If you need help, please see me!
•  Andrew will be available Monday at 2 in K101 and Thursday at 5 (ask for him in the help desk in the main lab)
•  Lauri will be available Wednesday at 5 until 7 (ask for her at the help desk in the main lab), Lauri will be available Saturday from 9 to 12.
We will start looking at Visual Basic this week, please check back. In class we will look at version 6 which is available in the labs and from MSDN. You can use a later version if you have it or are more comfortable with it. I stick to version 6 because of the ease of file handling and the overall ease of use. In VB classes, we move up to the later versions.
Visual Basic Assignment
Week #12
Week of April 19th
I am around at 10 and at 2 on Tuesday and at 2 on Wednesday. I will be on campus late on Wednesday.
•  Andrew will be available Monday at 2 in K101 and Thursday at 5 (ask for him in the help desk in the main lab)
•  Lauri will be available Wednesday at 5 until 7 (ask for her at the help desk in the main lab), Lauri is also available Saturday from 9 to 12, I will check.
In the text we will look at some information from chapters #8, #10, #11 and #14 in the next couple of weeks, so I recommend reading these chapters in addition to chapters #1 - #6. To start, please read the chapter on object oriented programming. That relates to Alice. I am looking for big picture understanding!
This week I want you to introduce yourself to Alice with my notes and handouts, presentations and examples.
Alice can be downloaded from Alice (go with version 2)
Please watch tutorial 1 about the ice skater under Alice tutorials (within the package) - there is also a presentation at my site.
I want you to look at this PowerPoint presentation on Alice: Using Alice
ballsbounce examples zipped
As you read about object-oriented programming, relate it to Alice. That is the style used in Alice.
You need to check back for an assignment after I see how far we got in Alice.
Alice Assignment: I want you to write a program using modules/methods, 2 kinds of loops, an if/else and an if/else with an embedded if/else. I want you to do a startup/housekeeping/initialize module/method, a process module/method that handles other modules/methods and a wrapup module/method. Look at my examples (zipped copies of the programs) and PowerPoints on ballsbounce to help with this assignment!
Week #11
Week of April 12th
This is advisement week, you can sign up for a slot on my door if I am your advisor or you can work with me via email. I will be available for help when I am not doing advising, I will be around Tuesday and Wednesday for quite a few hours, check my door.
•  Andrew will be available Monday at 2 in K101 and Thursday at 5 (ask for him in the help desk in the main lab)
•  Lauri will be available Wednesday at 5 until 7 (ask for her at the help desk in the main lab), she is also available Saturday from 9 to 12 I think, I will check.
We will start looking at relational databases - we are going to be going back to Access and implement some projects with multiple tables.
This week we will look at relational databases, normalization, multiple files and indexes in Access and random processing.
Please be sure to look at the two presentations under Access and SQL called Normalization and Relational Database using donor. You should also read the notes under relational database rules called relational database - normalization rules.
Read the information in your textbook on relational databases and normalization (chapter #16)
Database assignment
If you write out two different query problems that require a couple of tests and do it in SQL, you can get some extra credit.
Soft Skills Paper Due in 3 weeks
As always, please check back!
Week #10
Week of April 5th
Thursday April 8th at 12:30 in C111: The CIS Department is sponsoring a speech which deals with Crimes against Children with emphasis on the impact of the Internet. The speech is by Paul Graf, Special Agent, US Naval Criminal Investigative Services Specialist and is titled The 'Real' NCIS! Investigating Crimes Against Children.
I have heard him speak and he is very good, so please try to find the time to come, listen and learn!
Anyone that goes and then writes me a short paper on what they learned will get extra credit.
•  I will be available Monday after my classes, Tuesday at 10 and 1:40, Wed at 1:45 and you can check with me about seeing me before or after the speech on Thursday.
•  Andrew will be available Monday at 2 in K101 and Thursday at 5 (ask for him in the help desk in the main lab)
•  Lauri will be available Wednesday at 5 until 7 (ask for her at the help desk in the main lab), she is also available Saturday from 9 to 12
This certification might be of interest to you or of interest to someone you know.
Free Technology Training Partnership with Microsoft
Please look at this presentation: Programming Introduction presentation
We will continue with numbering systems and computer codes.
We are going to start to look at StarLogo. You will find a presentation under presentations and you will find a list of StarLogo commands under notes. Information about LOGO procedures is also available under notes. Information about LOGO
If you do not want to work in the labs, you will need to download and install a version of StarLogo which is available at: StarLogo
Please look at the PowerPoint on LOGO and the handout on LOGO procedures.
Numbering systems and codes
Please note, you have to give me the work that shows how you solved the problem. You should send me the answers electronically. The work can be sent electronically or you can give it to me on paper.
LOGO assignment:Logo assignmentWhen you send me the LOGO, you should also send me a text file with the code you used to direct the turtle copied and pasted into the text file.
Let me clarify. For the LOGO assignment you should send me the logo that you create. When you save it saves it with the name you assign and a .slogo extension. Attach the logo for assignments 1, 2 and 3 (note that if you do 2 with procedures, you can send 2 and 3 as one logo. You should also copy and paste the code you wrote including the proceudure to a separate notepad file and send me one note pad file for each problem.
Check back!
Week #9
Week of March 29th
The CIS Department is sponsoring a speech which deals with Crimes against Children with emphasis on the impact of the Internet. The speech is by Paul Graf, Special Agent, US Naval Criminal Investigative Services Specialist and is titled The 'Real' NCIS! Investigating Crimes Against Children. It will be on April 8th from 12:30 to 1:45 in C111. Anyone that goes and then writes me a short paper on what they got out of it will get extra credit.
•  I will be available at 10 and 1:45 on Tuesday if you need help. I have a meeting on Monday and a doctor's appointment right after class on Wednesday. Hopefully things will become more normal next week.
•  Andrew will be available Monday at 2 in K101 and Thursday at 5 (ask for him in the help desk in the main lab)
•  Lauri will be available Wednesday at 5 until 7 (ask for her at the help desk in the main lab), she is also available Saturday from 9 to 12
We are going to continue with JavaScript. We will look at the examples from last week first and then we will look at the logic and code for the guess game.
The JavaScript programs are:
Guess number, one guess
Guess number, one game
Guess number, multiple games
We will spend time looking at JavaScript this week. I want to look at the guessing game and go over the basics of how to do Rock, Paper, Scissors which is in the second JavaScript assignment.
My goal is to also look at numbering systems and codes this week:
Numbering systems and code
This handout covers binary and hex well, but it was written over 20 years ago and the code information is historical. We will look at 8-bit ASCII code in class.
Quiz (Review of flowcharts and pseudocode): Remember quizzes are individual projects and I trust you to honor that and work individually. Sorry about my drawings!
Quiz on flowcharts and pseudocode
Please submit the quiz answers on the answer sheet (it is given below in html and word):
Answer sheet (html version)
Answer sheet (doc or word version)
Week #8
Week of March 22nd
I will not be on campus this week, I had a few complications from the surgery and need a little more time to recover.
•  Andrew will be available Monday at 2 in K101 and Thursday at 5 (ask for him in the help desk in the main lab)
•  Rose Ferro, an adjuct instructor who works with JavaScript, will be available for help on Tuesday from 11:00 to 1:45 in K101
•  Lauri will be available Wednesday at 5 until 7 (ask for her at the help desk in the main lab)
Working on your portfolio: I want you to prepare a resume if you have not done so already and post it at your portfolio. Providing identifying information such as last name and address are your choice. Please research what is involved in a good online resume and follow the guidelines. Send me the link to your site when you are done and also send me the link to the site you used to get resume information.
I also want you to upload your database dealing with soft skills.
I also want you to upload one of the JavaScript assignments from the first assignment.
You should modify the second page of the portfolio so you have a link to each of these projects.
We will continue with JavaScript next week and look at this assignment.
JavaScript assignment
Week of March 15th
Have a productive week! Lauri will be available on Saturday, March 20th from 9-12. This would be a great chance to get caught up!
Extra Credit Assignment:
Extra Credit JavaScript problems
Week #7
Week of March 8th
•  I will be available Monday at 4ish (have a meeting at 2), Tuesday at 10 and at 1:45 and Wednesday at 1:45 I think, check back. I will be in K101 or K112.
•  Andrew will be available Monday at 2 in K101 and Thursday at 5 (ask for him in the help desk in the main lab)
•  Lauri will be available Wednesday at 5 until 7 (ask for her at the help desk in the main lab)
•  Lauri is working Saturday, March 13th from 9-12, check with the help des
This week we will continue looking at JavaScript. Look at the programs listed under programs at the site. We left off just before loops. Be sure to check these examples and view the source. You should also be looking at the examples on the Smartboard showing what I do in class if you are not there. Obviously, the audio would help clarify.
Practice exercise: Practice exercise we already looked at
Note that answers to the practice exercise are posted as a SmartBoard presentation
Problem #1 in JavaScript (version 1)
Problem #1 in JavaScript (version 2)
Problem #2 in JavaScript (version 1)
Problem #2 in JavaScript (version 2)
I took the two examples in the practice exercise and converted them into a program written using JavaScript within HTML.
Finish chapter #5 and read chapter #6.
I have gotten questions about rounding in JavaScript. The following code would round a field called ans to two decimal places: ansrounded = Math.round(ans*100)/100;
There were also questions about converting upper and lower case. You will find information on that at Case conversion
Some more JavaScript examples we are going to look at (relate these to the examples on the IF PowerPoint from week #3): simplejsif.html
If we have time we will start to look at the first of these programs and continue after vacation.
Guess number, one guess
Guess number, one game
Guess number, multiple games
Quiz on text
Please use one of these answer sheets:
HTML Answer sheet
Wordprocessing Answer sheet
Check back!
Week #6
Week of March 1st
•  I will be available Monday at 3ish (have a meeting at 2), Tuesday at 10 and at 1:45 and Wednesday at 1:45. Check back, there is one unresolved meeting time! I will be in K101 or K112.
•  Andrew will be available Monday at 2 in K101 and Thursday at 5 (ask for him in the help desk in the main lab)
•  Lauri will be available Wednesday at 5 until 7 (ask for her at the help desk in the main lab)
•  Lauri is working Saturday from 9-12, check with the help desk.
This week we will start looking at JavaScript. Look at the programs listed under programs at the site.
Finish reading through chapter #5.
Algorithm Assignment
After you have written out the algorithms and figured out how to solve the problems, I want you to code each of the problems in JavaScript.
Week #5
Week of February 22nd
This week we will continue looking at logic structures with an emphasis on loops.
Supplemental instruction is available this week:
•  Monday 2:00 with Andrew in K101
•  Tuesday 10:00 in my office and 1:45 in K101
•  Wednesday sometime around 3 on with me in K112 or lab with note on my door
•  Wednesday 5 - 7 (Lauri just told me she will be late but I am around if you need to ask questions) with Lauri Lyn (check at help desk in main lab)
•  Thursday 5 with Andrew Downing (check at help desk in main lab)
•  Saturday 9 to 12 with Lauri (check at help desk in main lab)
Please read chapter #4 in the text and start to move on to chapter #5.
Please look at this PowerPoint:
Presentation on structure (focus on loops)
    Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation structure (focus on loops)
Practice exercise: Practice exercise
Practice continued Assignments:
The logic quiz will be started in class - please do not start it until you have looked at the practice exercise which we will do together in class on Monday.
Logic quiz (word format)
Logic assignment Will be worked on in class for in class students - required for all students. In this assignment, you should play computer and step through the logic and create the report as you go. This assignment should NOT be done using Access. I would suggest you write the answers in word.
Week #4
Week of February 15th
This week we will continue with Access and look at SQL within Access. We will also look at logic structures.
Under assignment summary you will find the assignments and due dates.
Supplemental instruction is available this week:
•  Tuesday 2:00 to 3 with Andrew (I will be there most of the time) in K101
•  Wednesday 1:45 on with me in K112 or lab with note on my door
•  Wednesday 5 - 7 with Lauri Lyn (check at help desk in main lab)
•  Thursday 5 with Andrew Downing (check at help desk in main lab)
•  Saturday 9 - 12 with Lauri

This week we are going to start looking at SQL within Access. Here are some PowerPoints that deal with the SQL, they were done in an earlier version, but it works the same:
Presentation on using SQL queries in Access
    Separate speaker notes to accompany fusing SQL queries in Access
Presentation on SQL in Access - a little more
    Speaker Notes to accompany SQL in Access - a little more
Looking at logic structues:
Presentation on logical if structures
    Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation on logical if structures
IF in class practice
Homework assignment: Database assignment
Group Assignment:There will be an inclass project started in groups on Tuesday, you can pass in a group solution or if you do not finish, you can finish the rest alone or with the group. If you disagree with the results the group decides on, you can submit your individual answer as well, however as a courtesy you should let your group know you are doing it. The individual answer has to come in soon after the work was done in class - in other words before I correct the group part. Online students can work with the group they worked with on last weeks assignment or they can decide to hand it in individually.
To sum it up, I need answers from everyone and they can be sent as group answers or individual answers.
Access SQL assignment (document version)
Access SQL assignment (html version)
Access SQL answer sheet
Books database with SQL 2007 version
Books database with SQL 2003 version
SQL code (document version)This is a copy of the SQL code in case it gets messed up
Note that group projects, even if done individually, cannot be resubmitted. There will be extra credit work if you are not happy with your grade.
Week #3
Week of February 8th
Introductory HTML assignment should be passed in by February 7th. Even if it is late, send it in because it only drops 10 points a week. If you have questions, send me what you have and I will note that I got something and try to help you get it fixed.
I will be available for help on Tuesday from 10 to 11 in my office or in K101 and I will have a help lab Tuesday from 1:30/1:45 to 3:00ish. On Wednesday I will be available from 1:45 until around 3 in my office. We can go to a lab if you need help.
Andrew Downing, a supplementary instructor/tutor for this course, will be available Monday at 2:00 in K101. If you are confused, please come and see him! Andrew will also be available at 5:00 this Thursday. We do not have a room yet, so if I do not post one, he will be available in the main lab in the middle of the building. The help desk can tell you which person is Andrew if you do not know him. I will get back to you with times Lauri is available on Wednesday from 5 to 7 and on Saturday from 9 to 12 (again check with the help desk).
Because of the snow, the Wednesday extra help times will be cancelled, I am going home after I finish teaching my classes.
Please read chapter #2 in the text and you can start into chapter #3.
Check back for the work of the week! We will be continuing with Access.
I will be assigning each sudent an email mentor who went through the CIS program at BCC. This mentor will be available to talk to you about careers and the field via email. I will make the mentor introduction via email (BCC account) on Wednesday/Thursday.
I want you to write a paper about careers in the computer field. There should be two parts to the paper:
The first part should be an interview with your mentor about the work he or she does in the computing field or if your mentor is continuing studies in computing, ask about the degree program he or she is in and what they would like to do when they complete their studies. Your paper should contain information about your mentor's job or degree program with several quotes from your mentor.
The second part should be researching a career that interests you and writing about what the job involves and the skills that are needed.
The paper should include notes citing your sources (I would estimate that you need at least a couple of pages to cover the goals well).
In addition, send me a list of the questions you asked your mentor.
The paper is due by midnight on March 3rd.
Group project:
For students in class on Monday, you will break up in groups of 3 and choose a leader who will be responsible for mailing me your answers with a cc to you so you know that it came through. Note, there is no makeup/resubmit on group projects.
For web students, I will mail you an email at the beginning of the week with your group and group leader. You can then communicate via email (I am waiting to see who is in class before assigning the web groups).
Group DB assignment
Group DB assignment (html version)
Answer sheet for group project
Book Database to use in answering questions (Access 2007)
Book Database to use in answering questions (Access 2003)
For students not in class, group assignments got emailed to BCC accounts tonight. If you receive one and you are not in the class please let me know. If I made a mistake and assigned you to an evening class when you were there today, let me know. If you did not receive an invitation, let me know. Hopefully I got it right! We will see!
Please collaborate with your group and the group leader should send me the results - if you do not hear from your group leader, try contacting them. If there is a problem, you can let me know and we can decide to have you work individually or possibly change groups.
For everyone not in class, emails were sent assigning you to a group and designating a group leader. Please let me know if there are problems contacting or getting responses from your group members. if you disagree with your group, you can send me your answers, but you need to let your group know you are doing it.
Week #2
Week of February 1st
I will be available for help on Tuesday from 10 to 11 in my office and I will have a help lab Tuesday from 1:30/1:45 to 2:00 and then 2:30ish to 3:00 (I can stay until 3:30). Sorry someone asked me to go to a meeting at 2 and I really need to go for a while.
On Wednesday I will be available from 1:45 until around 3 in my office. We can go to a lab if you need help.

New Help Time: Andrew Downing, a supplementary instructor/tutor for this course, will be available Monday at 2:00 in K101. If you are confused, please come and see him! Andrew will also be available at 5:00 this Thursday. We do not have a room yet, so if I do not post one, he will be available in the main lab in the middle of the building. The help desk can tell you which person is Andrew if you do not know him. Laurie will be availabe for help Sat morning from 9 to 12. Go to the help desk in the main lab and ask for her.
This week we will continue with HTML on Monday and start Access. Wednesday will be Access.
WINSCP information:
Here is information about using cisweb at BCC
Talks more specifically about portfolio
My error: I put up the wrong audio file for last Wednesday, my apologies, the error has been fixed.
HTML assignment: I want you to put up on the web the beginnings of a portfolio written in HTML. If you are new to HTML, you are welcome to use my templates as a starting point. They are under examples at the web site. However, if you turn in something that has used my templates with very little modification, you cannot get an A on this assignment. If you are comfortable with HTML or would like to learn more about it, please work to make an interesting and professional site. All sites should be prepared with the idea that a future employer will be looking at it and evaluating you in part based on its content. You need to put up two pages. The first page must link to the second page. At this point the second page can just say something about it being an index to work etc. The second page does not have to have any working links except a link back to the first page.
Note: Assignments are not due until the week after they are assigned. You are welcome to pass them in early. Late assignments will loose points - see the syllabus for details.
Game collection table to be developed
Please remember that I do not want embedded spaces in the field names and I do not want all field sizes for text fields to default to 50 or the higher Access 2007 default.
Please check back every week to see if I have added anything!
Week #1
Week of January 25th
Please check back often each week, I may add things during the week. I am setting up extra labs where students can come for questions and help - the schedule is not available yet. I am also setting up a mentor program with alumni to provide additional support.
Please read chapter #1 in Programming Logic and Design. If you can't get the book, next week is fine. The first topics do not rely on the book.
We will be starting looking at the Access Database next week. For students who need Access, it is available through the MSDN Alliance. Click on this link to get information: MSDN Alliance Software
You will receive an invitation from the college to the MSDN alliance .
I leave up the Smartboard Notes and audio lectures from previous semesters since much of the material is the same. You should look up Smartboard presentations on topics that you want to go over.
I record most of the classes where I deliver a lecture so you should always assume that the class is being recorded. If you want to know, just ask!
This week we are going to start looking at HTML and start to develop the basics of a portfolio.
I am going to start looking at the HTML examples under examples. If you know HTML, you can elaborate on the basics I will present. If you are new to HTML, then we will start out with the basics.
Note: Assignments are not due until the week after they are assigned. You are welcome to pass them in early. Late assignments will loose points - see the syllabus for details.
Please go to this site and take this survey, it relates to the part of this course that deals with employability skills. The portfolio you are developing is also related to both employability and technology.
HTML page to introduce yourself
You should send me your page as an attachment. Don't forget that you need to attach the picture to your email as a separate file.


Send e-mail to Mrs. Grocer (if you have or are taking a course, use the email you were given for the class):

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