Programming: Logic, Design and Implementation (CIS17)

Weekly Schedule

Blog for students in summer 2008

Schedule by session Information to cover
Please note that the first assignment is at the bottom of the list posted here. You should do the work in order! I may add to the weekly schedule during the course of the week, so please check back multiple times. Please keep copies of all work you submit until you receive your final grade at the end of the semester.
Unit #15 The final exam is due August 23rd.
Final exam is posted:
Final Exam
Required Status Sheet
Unit #14 Email me for a user name and password to use WINSCP3 if you do not have it.
The final will be posted for unit #15, one week before the scheduled date.
Using WINSCP3 to upload your portfolio
We are going to look at the concepts of relational databases and multiple tables in Access. There are PowerPoints and notes at the site that you should look at.
Normalization - information on third normal form
      Separate speaker notes to accompany normalization presentation
Relational database using donor
      Separate speaker notes to accompany relational databse using donors presentation
Preliminary Status Sheet for you to check your status: Preliminary Status Sheet
Please make these databases and populate them. I also want you to query them.
Student database
The queries for the student database are on the page above.
Payroll database example
The queries for the payroll database are shown below:
Query Assignment: Do these queries using the query designer. Extra credit if you do them a second time using SQL. First: Print a list of all employees with the department name.
Second: Print a list of all employees who are working on a specific project including the hours they worked on the project. I want the employee name, the project name and the hours the employee worked on the project.
Third: Print a list of all employees, their department name, and the projects they are working on including the name of the project.
Unit #13t Portfolios and relational databases are the topics we need to look at.
Please read about portfolios here: Information about portfolios
The next topic is relational databases where we will revisit Access. Please read chapter #14. During the last weeks, I hope to get to a few topics from chapter #8 and chapter #10 so it would be helpful to skim them as well.
I am having trouble uploading to the BCC site so the audio and Smartboard are not there yet.
I want you to put up the beginnings of a portfolio. If you are new to HTML, you are welcome to use my templates which are under examples at the web site. If you are comfortable with HTML, I would like something more interesting. Please note that this is an opportunity to earn extra credit if you do a really nice portfolio. I want a resume (you do not have to put personal information, you can use first name and the schools address etc). I want a list of computer course you have taken. I want you to link to a couple of examples of your work. I only have one link for this in the template, you should add another (lets try for three examples of work related to computing).
Email me for a user name and password to use WINSCP3 if you do not have it.
Using WINSCP3 to upload your portfolio
Another extra credit opportunity: Work with Game Maker.
There are two PowerPoint presentations on the topic for you to review. For information about Game Maker, you can start at Game Maker
Game Maker
Extra credit: Do a game using GameMaker - there are a lot of tutorials at the site to help you get started!
Even more Extra credit: Do a game using GameMaker that involves scripting.
Unit #12 We will be working on Visual Basic some more at the beginning.
We will then take a look at HTML and developing a portfolio. See information under notes and examples.
Visual Basic assignment #2
Unit #11 We will start Visual Basic. VB 6 is the easiest to use and the one I will go over in the example programs you can find at the site. You are welcome to use the other versions if you want to, but you will then have to go to CIS56 if you need example programs. You can get VB using the MSDN alliance information.
Visual Basic assignment
Unit #10 We will start off by looking at a little more Alice.
We will be dealing with numbering systems as well - a little break from programming while you finish your Alice assignments.Numbering systems and code Please note that the part on ASCII code refers to an old code - you need to research ASCII on the web.
Second Alice Assignment: I want you to write a program using modules, 2 kinds of loops, an if/else and an if/else with an embedded if/else. I want you to do a startup/housekeeping/initialize module, a process module that handles other modules and a wrapup module. Look at my examples (zipped copies of the programs) and PowerPoints on ballsbounce to help with this assignment.
Binary/Hex/ASCII assignment
You have an extra week on the Binary/Hex/ASCII assignment.
Unit #9 Please read chapter #7 and look over Chapter #11 which talks about object-oriented programming. That is the style used in Alice.
Either this week or next we will talk about portfolios - I want to wait until I am reasonable sure you have worked with JavaScript.
I want you to introduce yourself to Alice with my notes and handouts, presentations and examples.
Alice can be downloaded from Alice (go with version 2)
Please watch tutorial 1 about the ice skater under Alice tutorials (within the package) - there is also a presentation at my site.
I want you to look at this PowerPoint presentation on Alice: Using Alice
Zipped version of Using Alice for download
More Alice: I want to spend more time with Alice this week and I want to start looking at it as a a programming language. Please look at the PowerPoint example and the zipped examples of bouncing balls. I am going to be asking you to write an Alice that has housekeeping/processing/wrapup and other modules as I did in my examples. I just hope you are more creative!!!
ballsbounce examples zipped
Alice programming
If you go to presentations, you can get a zipped version of this presentation that might be easier to see.
Either this week or next we will talk about portfolios - I want to wait until I am reasonable sure you have worked with JavaScript.
Alice Assignment: Using my Alice presentation as a guide, I want you to create something in Alice. You should have multiple objects (minimum 3). Your Alice code should have a sequence of 10 different methods or things that one of your objects does.
Mid semester quiz/test
Mid semester quiz/test (word version)
This is the answer sheet you must use to submit the quiz:
Quiz/Test answer sheet
Quiz/Test answer sheet (word version)
Unit #8 We will continue to work on JavaScript this unit.
Second JavaScript Assignment: Remember the algorithm assignment from unit #5. I want you to write these programs in JavaScript.
Algorithm assignment from unit #5
Unit #7 We are going to start the unit looking at my JavaScript examples. You can find them at the web site under Programs/JavaScript.
Presentation on logical if structures
    Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation on logical if structures
Simple IF
Simple IF ELSE
Simple IF AND
In class we will write the simple IF OR...
JavaScript Assignment: JavaScript assignment In addition to the JavaScript programs, I want you to do the flowchart or pseudocode for each of these problems. I recommend doing that first to help you write the program.
Unit #6 We will be starting looking at JavaScript and the examples I included in last units layout.
Please be sure you have read the first 6 chapters.
Please look at the PowerPoint on LOGO and the handout on LOGO procedures.
In class we are working through the logic for quess a number, the JavaScript programs are:
Guess number, one guess
Guess number, one game
Guess number, multiple games
Next we will start to look at programming using JavaScript.
LOGO assignment:Logo assignment
Copy the code you used and paste it into notepad and send it as an attachment along with the three LOGO projects.
Extra credit: Do a project (or projects) that involves using an if, an if with an else, a loop and a procedure. Send me the project in logo and the code you used separately in notepad.
Unit #5 Please remember, I post when I am on campus under Summer Scheule which is on the first page of my site. Read along in the book - we have been working with topics in the first 6 chapters, so you should read along trying to get all six read.
We are going to start to look at StarLogo. You will find a presentation under presentations and you will find a list of StarLogo commands under notes. Information about LOGO procedures is also available under notes. Information about LOGO
If you do not want to work in the labs, you will need to download and install a version of StarLogo which is available at: StarLogo
We are also going to start looking at JavaScript this week.
Practice exercise: Practice exercise we already looked at
Note that answers to the practice exercise are posted as a SmartBoard presentation
Problem #1 in JavaScript
Problem #2 in JavaScript
I took the two examples in the practice exercise and converted them into a program written using JavaScript within HTML. I would like you to look at the examples - you do not have to understand the language rules to see the basic structure.
Algorithm assignment
Quiz (optional quiz 2)
This quiz is optional. If you choose to take it, and you have already taken quiz #1 from unit 3, I will count the higher grade.
Please submit the quiz answers on the answer sheet (it is given below in html and word):
Answer sheet (html version)
Answer sheet (doc or word version)
Unit #4 Be sure you have read up through chapter #4.
We will continue looking at logic including flowcharts, pseudocode and alogrithms. Please check back!
I want everyone involved in the blog. Please post questions you might have or comments on other questions. For someone in CIS17, this is a great resource since many of the students have taken the course. Remember 10% of your grade is for being responsible and involved!
Logic quiz (word format)
Depending on your settings, the word quiz may have one decision that looks incomplete. You can manipulate it in the word document (the last decision says totInven > reOrdPt) Flowcharts/pseudocode We will work on this assignment in class during the semester and if you look at the SmartBoard notes for Spring 2008 or for Fall 2007, you can find them. I want you to develop the flowcharting solution for three of the problems from #4 to #8 and send it to me as a check off. Note that flowcharts can be drawn in word, PowerPoint or using Visio that comes with the text.
Unit #3 Please read chapter #3 and #4.
We will start the week working on the logic we looked at last week and looking at loop structures. Please look at this PowerPoint:
Presentation on structure (focus on loops)
    Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation structure (focus on loops)
Be sure you look at the PowerPoint presentations on logic - especially the one that says it will help with the quiz - it will help with the logic quiz.
Presentation on using pseudocode to play computer - help with logic quiz
    Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation on using pseudocode to play computer
You should also be looking at the SmartBoard presentations.
Practice exercise: Practice exercise We will do this in class.
Please check back and see where we are.
Logic assignment Will be worked on in class for in class students - required for all students. In this assignment, you should play computer and step through the logic and create the report as you go. This assignment should NOT be done using Access. I would suggest you write the answers in word.
Please submit the quiz answers on the answer sheet (it is given below in html and word):
Answer sheet (html version)
Answer sheet (doc or word version)
Unit #2 Interesting offer to check. Microsoft Ulitmate Steal Promotion
Please be sure to look at the first two presentations under Access and SQL:
Presentation on using SQL queries in Access
    Separate speaker notes to accompany fusing SQL queries in Access
Presentation on SQL in Access - a little more
    Speaker Notes to accompany SQL in Access - a little more
I have also referenced some tutorials on the site.
Please read chapter #2 in Programming Logic and Design. I will spend some time this week talking about the concepts in the book.
Look at the second PowerPoint presentation under Logic including Pseudocode and flowcharts that is on logical if structures.
You should also look at the first presentation is this group called presentation that has a focus on loops. We may not get to loops until next week!
Presentation on logical if structures
    Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation on logical if structures
In class work sheet on if statements (Extra Credit if you pass it and it is correct or close to it)
Access Design and SQL Project (due in two weeks)
Please paste the SQL into a word document and pass that in as well!
As always, please check back!
Unit #1 There will be 15 units of work (the last one will be the final). You need to plan to accomplish all the units during the summer. I will put them up on a regular basis so you can do multiple per week on some weeks, plan around vacations etc. If you need them faster then I am putting them up, just let me know.
Please read chapter #1 in Programming Logic and Design. If you can't get the book, next week is fine. The first topics do not rely on the book.
We are going to start out working with Access. The version you use is up to you - in the labs we have several different versions.
Most of the references I have will not be for Access 2007, but rather for Access 2003.
If you are not comfortable creating a table in an Access database and then creating a simple query, you should see the Power Point presentation on Assignment #1 / Access which is under Presentations. You should also down load the Assignment #1 Access database which is under Examples - Access database for asgn1.
Note the information about Assignment #1 above is for reference only - it is to help you with your first assignment!
There are several Access tutorials available on the Web site: Links to Access
If you do not know the basics of Access you can also see me and I will try to locate a book on the topic for you to use.
I posted some notes on using Access under Notes and Handouts but most of them are more than you need to know right now.
Practice exercise we will do in class The solution to the database is on the web - the queries will be covered in class (the queries I am asking for are different from the ones in the example).
Note: Some assignments require software. If you are a distance learning student you have to make arrangements to access the software needed. If distance learning students are having problems with software, they should contact me so we can try to work out a plan.
For students that come to the BCC campus, all software is available in labs.
For students who need Access, it is available through the MSN Alliance. Click on this link to get information: MSDN Alliance Software
You will receive an invitation from the college to the MSDN alliance.
I leave up the Smartboard Notes and audio lectures from previous semesters since much of the material is the same. You should look up Smartboard presentations on topics that you want to go over.
I record most of the classes where I deliver a lecture so you should always assume that the class is being recorded. If you want to know, just ask!
Note: Assignments are not due until the week after they are assigned. You are welcome to pass them in early. Late assignments will loose points - see the syllabus for details.
Game collection table to be developed Due in two weeks (although you will get other assignment(s) next week)
Please remember that I do not want embedded spaces in the field names and I do not want all field sizes for text fields to default to 50.
Please check back every week to see if I have added anything!


Send e-mail to Mrs. Grocer (if you have or are taking a course, use the email you were given for the class):

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