Programming: Logic, Design and Implementation (CIS120/17)

Weekly Schedule

The key to success is keeping in touch and letting me know if you are having problems!

Schedule by session Information to cover
Please note that the first assignment is at the bottom of the list posted here. You should do the work in order! I may add to the weekly schedule during the course of the week, so please check back multiple times. Please keep copies of all work you submit until you receive your final grade at the end of the semester.
Week #15
Week of May 8th
I will be available Tues from 2:00 to 7:00 if you need help and Monday I will be around at 10:30 and 3:30 to help for a while. I will also be available on Thursday from 9:30 until 6:30 in K101. So if you need help please drop in.
We are going to deal with files this week looking at sequential and random and we will also deal with maintenance.
Here are the PowerPoint presentations that deal with sequential processing and random processing.
Presentation on sequential update processing
    Separate speaker notes
Sequential processing Extra credit.
Presentation on random update processing
    Separate speaker notes
Random processing Extra credit
You can do both of the sheets labeled extra credit for one set of extra credit points if they are correct.
The final will be posted on Tuesday and will be due at the scheduled time of the final (10:30 on Tuesday, May 17th). You can submit the final and the status sheet by sending them both to me prior to 10:30 on Tuesday, May 17th. If you have not sent it, you have to come to the final on Tuesday at 11 in K101 and finish taking it there.
Your final is due at 10:30 on Tuesday, May 17. You can send the final and the status sheet to me by 10:30 on the due date or you need to come to the final and finish it there.
Final Exam
Required Status Sheet
Week #14
Week of May 2nd
Monday, May 2nd and Tuesday, May 3rd I will stay to help until 7:00. Monday I have a meeting that will probably end at 3:00 and I will be available until 7:00. Tuesday I will be available from 2:00 to 7:00 with a few time outs to go to a Family Night Event for a few minutes. Tuesday I will be in K101, Monday we will have to find a lab so check my door (K112) or the main lab in K Building. Thursday will be a hybrid day, I will not be on campus. We will work off the web site.
I made a mistake on the date for Quiz #8, so I will take them through Tuesday, May 3rd.
I am going to do some more with Visual Basic and databases. Check back!
Sorry this went up in pieces, I am having upload problems. Set this database up in Access and do the queries listed below:
  • List the employee number, employee name, salary, department number and department name
  • List the employee number, employee name, and project number for all the projects the employee is working on
  • Redo the query above and include the name of the project
  • List the employee number, employee name, department number, department name, project number, project name with the date and hours worked on the project
  • List the employee number, employee name, department number and department name for employees who work in a particular department and make over a certain salary.
  • Redo the one above for employees that work in a particular department and either make over a particular salary or have other deductions withheld greater than a certain amount
  • Week #13
    Week of April 25th
    On Tuesday I will stay until 4:30 so I am available for help from 2:00 to 4:30 in K101 or K112. On Thursday I plan to stay later as well - I will be on campus from 2:00 until 7:00 (maybe even 7:30) with a break from 5:45 until around 6:15 or 6:30 to talk to someone about some projects we are involved in.
    Next Thursday (May 5th) may be a hybrid day. I have a meeting I should go to but I am undecided. I will evaluate this weekend and post my decision.
    We will talk about arrays this week so be sure you have read chapter #6. I would also like you to read chapter #7 on file handling. Next week I will ask you to read chapter #14 on relational databases.
    We will continue with Visual Basic this week. Check back to see where we are. I also plan to post a quiz for Thursday.
    Visual Basic programming assignment #2
    Quiz #8 Due by Tuesday, May 3rd at midnight since I made a mistake on the date, remember, late quizzes in this series of quick quizzes are not accepted.
    Week #12
    Week of April 18th
    Update: Thursday I will be available from 1:40 until 4:00 in K101 or K112. I will definitely stay on Tuesday from 2 to 7:00 and I plan to stay on Thursday as well, however I am also trying to get a doctor's appointment for the end of the week so there is a slight possibility that I will have to leave earlier on Thursday afternoon. I will post the information as soon as I know.
    This week we are going to start working on Visual Basic. We are going to use VB 6 in class, you can use other versions if you have a different version at home. Check back when I see how far we got!
    To see how things work in both languages, I want you to do the first JavaScript assignment using Visual Basic. A note: In VB you can use Val where you would use parseInt or parseFloat in JavaScript.
    First JavaScript assignment that I want you to now do in Visual Basic
    Week #11
    Week of April 11th
    Unfortunately I am out sick today which effects both class and the advisement. You can email me any advisement questions and we can accomplish a lot via email. My plan for next week is Tuesday and Thursday from 2 to 7 I will be available for help and advisement.
    I would like you to look at the last Alice balls bouncing example that I did not cover in class. Anyone who sends me an explanation of how it works and does something similiar will get extra credit. Remember we will start VB next week so please work on getting a download if you want it from MSDN.
    My plan is to stay on Thursday and mix in help and advisement in K101. I will stay to 6 this week.
    Remember, John Cabral gives help Friday afternoons so you can email him and make plans to meet up with him. Please read the chapter on object-oriented programming this week (chapter #10). What I want you to get out of the chapter is a basic understanding of what object-oriented programming is and the key vocabulary such as objects, classes, methods, instances, attribute etc.
    We will start working with Alice this week. Please download the ballsbounce examples at my website under examples and Alice. Also look at my Powerpoint on Alice if you want more information.
    We will start Visual Basic next. I am going to be looking at Visual Basic 6 which is an old version of VB but one that is easier to learn and meets my goals well. You can download it through MSDN.
    Will someone please confirm that version 6 is still available - I do not have Access to MSDN. Note it was down near the bottom of the list last semester.
    Check back!
    Alice Assignment: I want you to write a program using the following: objects, methods, a loop and a loop with the complicated feature, a while loop, an if/else and an if/else with an embedded if/else. I want you to do a startup/housekeeping/initialize method, a process method that handles other methods associated with objects that you write and a wrapup method. Look at my examples (zipped copies of the programs), PowerPoints on ballsbounce and Smartboard/audio to help with this assignment!
    For extra credit include the concepts in the balls bounce generic example in the zipped programs.
    Soft Skills Paper Due in 3 weeks
    Note, I have asked you to do seven soft skills. If you do more you will get extra credit and the amount of extra credit depends on how many extra soft skills you write about.
    Week #10
    Week of April 4th
    Remember I am not on campus this week, we will work on line. This week we will look first at computer codes with our focus on ASCII.
    Chart of ASCII codes
    Interesting information on ASCII
    We are going to start to look at StarLogo. You will find a presentation under presentations and you will find a list of StarLogo commands under notes. Information about LOGO procedures is also available under notes. Information about LOGO
    I have added a Smartboard and Audio on StarLogo.
    If you do not want to work in the labs, you will need to download and install a version of StarLogo which is available at: StarLogo
    Please look at the PowerPoint on LOGO and the handout on LOGO procedures.
    ASCII assignment
    LOGO assignment:Logo assignmentWhen you send me the LOGO, you should also send me a text file with the code you used to direct the turtle copied and pasted into the text file.
    Week #9
    Week of March 28th
    I am willing to stay and help on Tuesday (from 2 to 7 or 8), however, you need to let me know if you plan to come because if very few are coming I will not stay as late.
    This is a hybrid course, the week of April 4th will be online classes, I will not be on campus for classes.
    Please remember if I send something back with comments and no grade you need to fix and resubmit.
    Also please remember the audio versions of the lecture and the accompanying Smartboard. If something is confusing, give them a try.
    This week we will have a guest speaker on Thursday from Meditech who will talk about some of the careers available in his company.
    Next week on Monday, there will be a guest speaker on forensics, David Papargiris is director of the Attorney General's Computer Forensics Lab and an instructor here at BCC. He will be speaking at 11 in K101 to a forensics class, other students are invited to attend.
    Tuesday we will start to talk about numbering systems.
    Numbering systems and code
    This handout covers binary and hex well, but it was written over 20 years ago and the code information is historical. We will look at 8-bit ASCII code in class.
    In the binary/hex assignment you have to pass in the work. You can give that to me on paper or you can scan it. You should also send me the answers via email. Without the work, the max grade is D.
    Binary/hex assignment
    Week #8
    Week of March 21st
    I am willing to stay and help on Thursday (from 2 to 7 or 8), however, you need to let me know if you plan to come because if very few are coming I will not stay as late.
    I am extending the due day for the mentor paper by a week because of the email problem. I will be due on April 2nd.
    Note that this is a hybrid class. The week of April 4th we will probably be doing the class online instead of the combination of inclass and online that we have used for all other classes.
    We are going to continue to look at JavaScript this week - we will be looking at the examples listed under week #7 and continuing on. We looked at the loop examples (Math facts), the Problem 1 and 2 in JavaScript and the guess game. All of these are under Programs/JavaScript.
    Quiz #7 Due by Thursday, March 24th at midnight, remember, late quizzes in this series of quick quizzes are not accepted.
    For the JavaScript Assignment #2 below, you also need to do either a flowchart or pseudocode for the problems.
    JavaScript Assignment #2
    Spring Break I only assignment mentors to people who were active in the class and passing in homework. If you did not get assigned a mentor and you are passing in work, let me know and I will assign one now.
    The BCC email will be a problem over break - I have been sending out a lot of emails - trying to get caught up. I am using the email you use, if you have another email that you would rather have me use this week, please send it to me.
    Week #7
    Week of March 7th
    Let's get caught up over break - I am behind and some of you are behind, so...
    Please read chapter #5 in the text and then move on to chapter #6.
    We will start to look at JavaScript this week. The first examples we will look at are the examples at my site. I want you to look at them using Firefox.
    Next, we will look at these examples:
    Some more JavaScript examples we are going to look at (relate these to the examples on the IF PowerPoint from week #4):
    First JavaScript assignment
    Quiz #6 Due by Saturday, March 12th at midnight, remember, late quizzes in this series of quick quizzes are not accepted.
    Week #6
    Week of February 28th
    This week on Thursday I will be in the K101 lab from 9:30 until around 3:00 to help with homework and problems.
    I have cancelled my classes for that day, so students from all my classes should come to the lab any time and for as long as they can if they want help. Wayne Dupont is available to tutor on line (email) and by appt on Sat morning. John Cabral is availble to tutor on line (email) and Friday afternoons from 12 to 4. Email him for room and to tell him you are coming. You can also contact him about other times.
    John Cabral
    Wayne Dupont
    I am going to focus more on logic this Tuesday and the structure of a program.
    Note I have sent out most of the mentor invitations, I did not send them to people who are not doing homework. I will assign the mentor after I get work from you. If you are doing homework and did not receive an invitation at your BCC email me and I will check and let you know who your mentor is.
    Quiz #5 Due by Thursday, March 3rd at midnight, remember, late quizzes in this series of quick quizzes from the text are not accepted. By mistake I took a few that came in on March 4th, so I ended up taking all that came in on the 4th - I will try not to make that mistake...
    Logic assignment We will be worked on the Logic Assignment in the PowerPoint in class for in class students - required for all students. In this assignment, you should play computer and step through the logic and create the report as you go. This assignment should NOT be done using Access. I would suggest you write the answers in word.
    Career and mentor paper: I want you to write a paper about careers in the computer field. There should be two parts to the paper:
    The first part should be an interview with your mentor about the work he or she does in the computing field or if your mentor is continuing studies in computing, ask about the degree program he or she is in and what they would like to do when they complete their studies. Your paper should contain information about your mentor's job or degree program with several quotes from your mentor.
    The second part should be researching a career that interests you and writing about what the job involves and the skills that are needed.
    The paper should include notes citing your sources (I would estimate that you need at least a couple of pages to cover the goals well).
    In addition, send me a list of the questions you asked your mentor.
    The paper is due on March 26th by midnight.
    Week #5
    Week of February 21st
    Please read chapter #4 in the text.
    Please look at this PowerPoint:
    Presentation on structure (focus on loops)
        Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation structure (focus on loops)
    Practice exercise: Practice exercise
    Practice continued Check back!
    Quiz #4 Due by Saturday, Feb 26th at midnight, remember, late quizzes in this series of quick quizzes from the text are not accepted.
    Please note that the quizzes/tests below are not in the same category as the quick quiz like Quiz #4 above. These quizzes are more like an assignment or test and they needs to be turned in using the regular due date schedules. They are individual projects so work on them alone. You should not ask for help with the answers, you may ask for help from me if you do not undertand the problem.
    Logic (word format) Hopefully we will start in class.
    Please submit the quiz answers on the answer sheet (it is given below in html and word):
    Answer sheet (html version)
    Answer sheet (doc or word version)
    Week #4
    Week of February 14th
    If you are confused or lost, please be sure to contact Valter or myself for help. Information for contacting Valter is listed under week #2 and week #3. I am available at 10 and 2 on Monday and 2 on Tuesday. Valter is available a lot on Thursday. Please arrange to get help if you need it.
    Please read chapter #3 in Programming Logic and Design.
    Now that you have your login information for cisweb, you need to upload your portfolio to cisweb and send me the address.
    Be sure to look at the handouts under week #3 to help you figure out what the address should be.
    It is the or
    Looking at logic structues:
    Presentation on logical if structures
        Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation on logical if structures
    IF in class practice
    Quiz #3 Due by Saturday, Feb 19th at midnight
    Group Assignment:There will be an inclass project started in groups on Tuesday, you can pass in a group solution or if you do not finish, you can finish the rest alone or with the group. If you disagree with the results the group decides on, you can submit your individual answer as well, however as a courtesy you should let your group know you are doing it. The individual answer has to come in soon after the work was done in class - in other words before I correct the group part. Online students will be assigned a group after I find out who is in class. As always, online students are invited to come to class for the project.
    Access SQL assignment (document version)
    Access SQL assignment (html version)
    Access SQL answer sheet
    Books database with SQL 2007 version
    Books database with SQL 2003 version
    SQL code (document version)This is a copy of the SQL code in case it gets messed up
    Note that group projects, even if done individually, cannot be resubmitted.
    Check back as always!
    Week #3
    Week of Week of February 7th
    In case you missed the posting last week: Valter is available to do supplemental instruction/tutoring if you have questions. He is available Mon, Wed or Fri from 8:00 until 11:00 by appointment. If you email him for help, he will be able to meet with you. On Thursday, he is available from 8:00 to 1:00 and from 4:00 to 7:00. Again, you should email him and set up a time or place. His email is Please take advantage of this opportunity that is financed by the CAITE NSF grant. I am available Monday at 10:00 and Tues and Thurs after my class that ends at 1:45. I will be in my office (K112) or there will be a note telling you want lab I am in.
    This week, we are going to work at getting pages up on the web and we are going to look at some of the information in chapter #1 and we are going to continue with Access. Please read the WINSCP and cisweb information: (note that in my examples I use as the host, we are now using as the host although the old one is still supported). Here is information about using cisweb and WINSCP at BCC
    Talks more specifically about portfolio
    If you want to download WINSCP at home, you can find it at this address.
    Access database example in class - with a few changes to save each query separately
    We will be working on a group project in Access on Tuesday. If you are not there, I will put you into an email group and you will have to come up with a group solution via email.
    Please read chapter #2 in Programming Logic and Design.
    Quiz #2: Due by Saturday at midnight. Please paste your answers into an email. I do not accept late quizzes.
    Second Quiz
    Group project:
    For students in class on Tuesday, you will break up in groups of 3 and choose a leader who will be responsible for mailing me your answers with a cc to you so you know that it came through. Note, there is no makeup/resubmit on group projects.
    For web students, I will mail you an email on Wednesday with your group and group leader. You can then communicate via email (I am waiting to see who is in class before assigning the web groups).
    Note: On the flowcharts in the assignment, sometimes the word Technology is cut off and you see Course instead of Course Technology.
    Group DB assignment
    Group DB assignment (html version)
    Answer sheet for group project
    Book Database to use in answering questions (Access 2007)
    Book Database to use in answering questions (Access 2003)
    I have sent an email to everyone who was not in class on Tuesday, assigning them to a group for this project. The email was sent to your BCC account. If you did not get an email assigning you to a group, you need to contact me.
    Access assignment:
    Database assignment
    Week #2
    Week of January 31st
    Valter is available to do supplemental instruction/tutoring if you have questions.
    He is available Mon, Wed or Fri from 8:00 until 11:00 by appointment. If you email him for help, he will be able to meet with you. On Thursday, he is available from 8:00 to 1:00 and from 4:00 to 7:00. Again, you should email him and set up a time or place. His email is Please take advantage of this opportunity that is financed by the CAITE NSF grant.
    This week we are going to look some more at HTML and the beginnings of setting up a portfolio. I am waiting to get your logins to our server because I want to put the portfolio up on the web. But, you can start working on the portfolio while we wait for the logins.
    A good reference for HTML and for CSS is HTML and CSS help
    I will post a quiz asking some questions about HTML for Tuesday, you should do all quizzes independently. The results should be sent to me in an email (do not use an attachment) by midnight Thursday.
    We will return to HTML after I get your passwords, hopefully next week.
    In the meantime, we have moved on to the next topic which is to design and develop a database using Access.
    You should go to my site and under Presentations you will find this PowerPoint. You should unzip it and look at it for help.
    Zipped version of Access 2007 Introduction
    You should also be sure to look at the Smartboard notes and listen to the audio if you are not in class or you are not clear on how to develop a database table and queries. Check for software
    Quiz #1: Due by Thursday at midnight. Please paste your answers into an email.
    First Quiz
    First assignment:
    I want you to put up on the web the beginnings of a portfolio written in HTML. If you are new to HTML, you are welcome to use my templates as a starting point. They are under examples at the web site. However, if you turn in something that has used my templates with very little modification, your highest grade in the assignment is a C. To get a higher grade I need to see a little more creativity in the design. If you are comfortable with HTML or would like to learn more about it, please work to make an interesting and professional site. All sites should be prepared with the idea that a future employer will be looking at it and evaluating you in part based on its content. You need to put up two pages. The first page must link to the second page. At this point the second page can just say something about it being an index to work etc. The second page does not have to have any working links except a link back to the first page.
    Second assignment:
    Access Database Assignment
    Note: Assignments are not due until the week after they are assigned. You are welcome to pass them in early. Late assignments will loose points - see the syllabus for details. I am sure I will have your login information by next week, if I don't, I will modify the date for the portfolio assignment.
    Week #1
    Week of January 24th
    Classes will meet on Tuesday and Thursday at 11:00 in K-101. Please check back often each week, I may add things during the week. I am setting up extra labs where students can come for questions and help - the schedule is not available yet but I will be available in my office (K-112) at 2:00 on both Tuesday and Thursday. I am also setting up a mentor program with alumni to provide additional support.
    Please read chapter #1 in Programming Logic and Design. If you can't get the book, next week is fine. The first topics do not rely on the book. We will start to look at the material in the text next week.
    We will be starting looking at the Access Database next week.
    For students who need Access, it is available through the MSDN Alliance. Click on this link to get information: MSDN Alliance Software
    You will receive an invitation from the college to the MSDN alliance, it will go to your BCC account.
    I leave up the Smartboard Notes and audio lectures from previous semesters since much of the material is the same. You should look up Smartboard presentations on topics that you want to go over.
    I record most of the classes where I deliver a lecture so you should always assume that the class is being recorded. If you want to know, just ask!
    This week we are going to start looking at HTML and start to develop the basics of a portfolio.
    I am going to start looking at the HTML examples under examples. If you know HTML, you can elaborate on the basics I will present. If you are new to HTML, then we will start out with the basics.
    I did put up a Smartboard presentation that goes over some of the examples I planned to look at Thursday (the snow day). Please look at the presentation before class on Tuesday. If you go to my website for this course and go in under examples you will find the examples that I discuss: they are CSSlist.html, CSSimage.html, CSStable.html.
    Skip anotherpage.html, I will discuss it briefly in class. The Smartboard presentation is under SmartBoard presentations.

    Note: Assignments are not due until the week after they are assigned. You are welcome to pass them in early. Late assignments will loose points - see the syllabus for details.
    We will be looking at soft skills later in the semester and as a foundation for that, I want you to take this survey:
    Your assignment for this week (it is due next Saturday, Feb 5th by midnight):
    HTML page to introduce yourself
    Since we did not have class on Thursday, I did not post the quiz.


    Send e-mail to Priscilla Grocer (if you have or are taking a course, use the email you were given for the class):

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